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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 1st May

Good Morning and Happy New Month Year 1laugh


I have been so impressed with all your work this week.

You really are working very hard.


I'm very proud of you all.


Today after Joe we will finish off this week's learning.

Try to join in with Joe today because the weather doesn't look very good and you may not be able to get outside for any exercise.


I'm sorry I set Education City work that needed Adobe as some of you cannot access this. I will try to ensure I don't do this.


First lets look at Phonics. Find the sheet below and then you will need to read each word, sound it out carefully and decide if it is real or not. then you need to write it in the correct column. PLEASE make sure that your writing is neat, tidy and very careful!



Next I would like you to go to Education City again and we will have a look at number today.

(I have been pleased with the shape and fraction work you have done this week.)

The work is called 2's 5's 10's and it is revision of how to count in 2's, 5's and 10's right up to 100.


Finally today could you again find your 'Steppin Out' booklet and complete the Crossing Puzzle on p7. Then read pages 8 and 9 and complete the quick quiz.


Don't forget to read daily to and with your grown ups.


Look out for the Newsletter today and see who has got this weeks awards!wink


Have a fantastic, restful weekend Year 1 and I will see you bright and cheery on Monday!


heartLove Mrs Cloughheart




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