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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 13th July

Good Morning Year 3!

This week is your LAST week of school before the Summer Holidays! We only have 4 days of Home Learning, how exciting! I have been so proud of how well you have all adapted to learning at home, and I will very much miss being your teacher!!


I hope you all work hard this week! 


Here's today's tasks...


Love Miss Townson 


LO: To practise telling the time.


This week year 3, we are going to be practising telling the time. You are going to work on Education City all week to complete activities and learn screens.


Log onto Education City and find the classwork named ‘Monday 13th July – Maths’


Have fun!



LO: To answer questions on a given text. 


Find your CGP Comprehension books in your Home Learning Packs. Today I would like you to complete page 22-23 which are questions on the extract from ‘My name is Mina’.


Enjoy! Remember to send me your work either on the blog or on email.


LO: To write a prayer of thanks.




Today I would like you to look back and reflect on Year 3 as a year. Think about all the things that we did in school and you have also done at home. I want you to write a prayer of thanks for all the wonderful memories and things you have learnt. I also want you to comment on the blog and write on my blog post your favourite memory of Year 3! I can’t wait to read them!

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