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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 15th October

Gooooood Morning Year 6!

You were absolutely fantastic yesterday! We received LOTS and LOTS of excellent work from you all. It was amazing and we are so proud of you. Let's keep up that wonderful work ethic today too. Books out, pens ready and let's see what we are learning today...




L.O Representing decimal numbers in a variety of ways.  

Last week we were looking at how to represent big numbers using place value (millions and billions) Today we are looking at numbers that include decimal values. Decimal numbers are numbers that are less than a unit and are written after the decimal point. Tenths, hundredths, thousandths etc. 

Today your teacher is called Mr Latham, watch the video and he will explain your task. I know you are going to be good at this. 

Let me know how well you did on the quiz using the BLOG. 

Click on the link below to start your lesson. 


LO: To use accurate sentence punctuation

For the start of today's English lesson you are going to correct some sentences that have no punctuation.

LO: To use hyperbole

Then you are going to re-watch The Dreadful Menace clip and create an exaggerated weather warning report for a blizzard using hyperbole. Carefully read each slide of the powerpoint to find out exactly what to do.

Winter Olympics 2014: Trailer - BBC Sport

Subscribe and πŸ”” to OFFICIAL BBC YouTube πŸ‘‰ Stream original BBC programmes FIRST on BBC iPlayer πŸ‘‰

Science L.O Making a periscope.


Last week in class we started to make periscopes. Don't worry we will finish them when we get back to school. Today there are 3 parts to your lesson link to periscopes. 

1. Watch the short video on how to make a periscope. 

2. Write a set of instructions explaining how to make a periscope. 

3. Look at the optical illusions and say what you see. There are 10 pictures to look at. 


Write your instructions in your book and send a picture on the BLOG or use EMAIL. If you want you can type your work on a word document and attach it to the BLOG. 

Make a Periscope

Fun, hands-on activities for kids at home: turn a simple shoebox into a periscope for seeing around corners. Watch the video to find out more about how peris...

How to make a periscope.

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