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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 20th November

Here is this week's homework Year 3... Make sure you email me or post your work to the blog! I would also like you to read every day and play on TTRS every day. 


Your spellings are below for this week. The test will be on Friday 27th November. 





















Maths Homework:

As we have been focusing on our times tables in school this week, I would like you to complete the worksheet below on our 7 times table.

You can do this into your Maths Homework book. 

I have attached a poster with your 7s on to help, but try to challenge yourself! 

7 times table worksheet

7 times table

English Homework:

This week in English we have written some fronted adverbials to make our sentences more interesting. This is where we add either how or when something happened to the beginning of a sentence. 


Complete the activity below into your English Homework books. Write out the sentences and remember the comma after the fronted adverbial.


If you need help, remember you can go to Friday's Homework club with Mrs Parker. 

Fronted Adverbials

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