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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 5th February

Good morning Year 5 and HAPPY FRIDAY! You’ve completed another week of home learning so well done. I have once again been very impressed with you all this week and I have really enjoyed meeting with you all every morning. I’m already looking forward to seeing you again every morning next week! Work hard today and have a lovely, restful weekend.


Here are your lessons for today. Please make sure you also finish off reading the book I assigned you on GETEPIC called The Ghost Witch. 


Make sure you blog or email your work.

Reading comprehension and spellings

There are 2 parts to your English lesson today and you need to complete them both.

1. Your reading comprehension today is based on a poem called Colonel Fazackerley Butterworth-Toast. It’s a humorous poem about a ghost! You can listen to the poem being read on the video below.

Now open up the document and read the poem independently. Answer the questions carefully.

2. Log on to Education City and find your spelling lesson – ‘Spellings 4/2/21.’ The spellings this week are words that end in ant/ent. Please complete the activity and the worksheet.

Mental Arithmetic and TTRS battle.

Today I would like you to complete 2 activities.


  1. Complete the mental arithmetic test below. There are 28 questions. When you have finished, please mark your work and let me know your score. Please don’t cheat.
  2. I have set up a boys vs. girls battle on TTRS and I would like you to participate. It begins at 7am and ends at 3pm. Only 3 girls participated in this last week!


LO – To look at the uses of water

Please follow the link to complete your PSHE lesson for today. Make sure you pause the video and complete any tasks your teacher, who is called Mrs Walsh, asks you to. The lesson will link in with our Geography work done earlier on in the half term.

I would also like you to do an additional task. Please look at the picture below of the incredible Captain Sir Tom Moore. Have a think about the question and write down what we can learn from him. I can think of so many things.

I would then like you to write a thank you prayer or a poem for him. Think about his life and his amazing achievements. It would be lovely if your work was decorated beautifully so we could display them somewhere.

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