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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 12th June

Well done you have made it to Friday! Keep going, keep active! I have loved seeing all the work you have achieved this week.Comment on my today’s blog post when you have completed a task and

keep emailing me your work if you want. 

Keep logging onto TT Rockstars and READING! Any problems let me know via adult email:

Today's work you will need your brains! Arithmetic for Maths, SPaG for English and Computing!

Make sure to have a go at the PE tasks as well! Enjoy!



Task 1: English

LO: Grammar and Punctuation

Its test time, relax it is just for fun! Complete the test below by clicking on the link, the grammar and punctuation answers start on page 11 from the mark scheme to mark your own work! Blog me your results! Have fun! Print off or copy into your exercise books.


Task 2: Maths

LO: Mental Maths

Its arithmetic time! Complete the two tests below by clicking on the link, but do not scroll down too far the answers are at the end to mark your own work! Blog me your results! Have fun! Print off or copy into your exercise books.

When you have completed the test, log onto TT RockStars and practice your times tables. Last day for the battle!


Task 3: Computing

LO: To stay safe and connected online

Today's computing task is on Education City log on and click onto the Computing Task: Friday 12th June on classwork. Complete all the activities either print out and stick into your book or just copy out the sheets/words into your exercise book. Enjoy! It looks like this:  

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