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The new arrivals...
We were very excited to come back to school after Christmas to find 3 fish have come to join us in Year 3. Their names are Finn, Freddie and Fifi. But guess what? They aren't just fish, they are story telling fish! We have read the book 'The Story of the Fish and the Snail,' which told us about two best friends, a fish and a snail. The snail waits everyday for the fish to come and tell him the most magical story, and that is what he does. Fairy stories, scary stories, adventure stories, he tells them all!
When we got our fish we couldn't believe it as they came with a special message! Our fish are just like the fish from the story. But we have 3, also known as the story telling trio! And even BETTER! We have our very own snail to tell the stories to! Stanley in Year 2 cannot wait to hear the stories Finn, Freddie and Fifi are going to write.
Of course, the fabulous writers in Year 3 are going to help. Each week, somebody will take the story writing folder (which is filled with lots of exciting things) home. We can't wait to tell Stanley the first story. I wonder who will help Finn, Freddie and Fifi write it first! Keep checking this page to read the stories.
Unfortunately, our Platy fish weren't very strong and they left Year 3 to go to heaven. We were then joined by 3 beautiful, energetic Rosy Barbs. They said they too are called Finn, Freddie and Fifi, how clever! They absolutely love their home and always chase one another around night and day. They never sleep!
We went home for the very first time last week with Angelina for continuing to put 100% into everything she does. Well done Angelina, we loved being with you. With a little help from her, we wrote a fantastic story! Please read it and keep checking for more as we continue our journeys with the children of Year 3.
We have now returned from Toby's! What a great time we had. Read our latest adventure you won't believe it!