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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 20th May

Good Morning Year 3!

I hope you are enjoying our rainforest work this week... it is going to continue!


More of you are blogging now which is good, just make sure you either blog or email every day!


Remember to:


-Practise your spellings

-Play on TTRS for 20mins



Here are today's tasks... enjoy!


Love Miss Townson heart


LO: To order fractions.

Follow the link below to get to the White Rose Maths website. Scroll down to the tab that says ‘Week 1 – w/c 20th April’ and scroll down to ‘Lesson 4 – order fractions’

Watch the video carefully and then complete the activity I have posted below…

Try your best yes


LO: To use features of persuasion.

All the research you have been doing this week on rainforests is going to help you towards writing a letter of persuasion on Friday. You are going to persuade the loggers to stop chopping down the rainforest.


In order to write a letter of persuasion, we need to practise writing some of the features of persuasion.

On the document below, there are 6 features of persuasion:


Alliteration – where the adjective and noun start with the same letter.

Facts and figures – numbers and facts about the rainforest.

Opinions – someone’s opinion on the matter.,

Rhetorical Questions – questions that don’t need answering but make you think.

Emotions – emotion attached to the topic.

Exaggeration – over the top.


I am going to give you an example of each for persuading people not to cut down the rainforest. Then you are going to write an example of each feature in your workbooks.


Alliteration – This remarkable rainforest is home to 10million species

Facts and figures – Unfortunately, over 200,000 acres of rainforest are burned every day.

Opinions – Jane from the rainforest medicine society argues that we are destroying possible cures for diseases such as cancer.

Rhetorical questions – How would you feel if your home was destroyed?

Emotions – It is without question horrifying to see these habitats being burned.

Exaggeration – As the lungs of the planet, this destruction could kill us all.


Now it’s time to write your own examples!!! Try not to copy mine!


Today I would like you to research the plants and animals that live in the rainforest. As you will have learned from one of the videos yesterday, there are approximately 10 million species that live in the Amazon Rainforest. Some are even undiscovered. ½ of the world’s species live in the Rainforest! I have attached some videos below for you to watch about the different species of animals and plants that live in the rainforest.


Use the internet to find as much interesting information as you can! Then I want you to display this information in a poster. You can use ‘Did you know?’ boxes, ‘Interesting Facts’ boxes, bullet points, pictures, captions and lots of information of course!


You can decide whether you write it all up onto a double page spread in your workbooks or do it on a word document on a computer. You can then email me them.

Virtual Field Trip - Amazon Rainforest

Rainforest Animals for Children - Jungle Animal Sounds and Rainforest Wildlife

Rainforests 101 | National Geographic

Tree and plant life in the jungle - David Attenborough - BBC wildlife

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