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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Friday 9th January 2014


This afternoon, we had 3 different activities on the go.  Miss Bryan was based at the loom band table (class presents from Santa), Mrs Parker's table were trying to make letters out of dominoes and then knock them over so they ALL fell down.  Mrs Carlile's table had a Top Trumps competition.  Well done to Izzy, Nicole and Alex who each won a game.

Friday 3rd October 2014


Today, all the children in Year 2 used loom bands to create bracelets, necklaces, rings and head bands.  Mrs Parker taught Mrs Carlile how to make one as she hadn't a clue!  The children were very proud of what they had made.



This Friday, all the children in Year 2 put their wellington boots and coats on and went for a walk on the Fenny Fold.  The weather was perfect and the children had a great time looking for wildlife...including a great big green frog.  We also closed our eyes and listened really carefully to the sounds in our environment.  We had fun pretending to be monsters, pirates and dinosaurs as we moved about.  We even had a visit from Miss Carlile from London and 'Dinosaur Man' from the Jurassic Coast in Dorset who were on their way back down South.  Take a look at the photos below.

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