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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Spelling Homework

There are TWO parts to your spelling homework. They should both be completed by Friday 25th September.


Learn your 10 spellings at home for a test next Friday.

You have a GREEN English Homework Book to use if you wish to copy out your spellings to help you learn them. You could ask a family member to test you and use this book to write down the words. Keep this GREEN book at home. Do not bring it back to school. It is to help you learn at home.


LOG IN to the School Blog.

For each spelling, either draw an image to represent it, create a definition or use it in a sentence. Look below and you can see a model of how to do this. Use all ten of OUR spelling list words.

Upload your work. If you prefer, you can complete this activity in your GREEN English homework book, take a photo of it and then upload it to the BLOG. Only your teachers will see your work.


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