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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday June 1st

Good Morning Year 1

Happy Mondaylaugh


I do hope that you have all had a restful week and have enjoyed the beautiful weather we have had. I can't believe it's Monday morning already! I hope you are all ready to begin working again?


Miss Dewhurst has sent us all a link to today's assembly here




Today I would like you to see what Joe Wicks is doing or check out the dances on Kidz Bop. Also Mr Steele has sent a link that you may enjoy with your families. Have a look at it , you never know! I have had a good look at it. You can win prizes! Here is the link to follow.


For English today I would like you to think about the 'aw' sound.

You all have a worksheet with lots of 'aw' words on and a word search and some sentence writing opportunities.

Please read all the words carefully, then complete the word search and then I would like some super 'aw' sentences in your very best handwriting please.

Here is the sheet 



Next is Maths.

Lets look at time!

First I want you to think about the days of the week and their order, try to practise one of our songs. Then I want you to go through the months of the year with your grown up before you look at your tasks.

Please look at a clock in your home and discuss the numbers with your grown up. Talk about hours and o'clock and half hours. Ask them about telling the time and look at counting in 5's to go PAST or TO the hour.

Then go to Education City for today's Time work which is called TIME MONDAY 1ST JUNE.


Finally I thought you would like to get back into learning by completing another scavenger hunt?

This Half Term our DT topic is all about Materials so I need you all to complete this one WITH A GROWN UP BECAUSE SOME OF IT IS TASTING and send me photographic evidence to prove you did it!


Please keep on sending me your work either via the Blog or email.

I love to see what you are doing.

Have a lovely and productive day


Mrs Cloughheart




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