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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 27th April


Welcome back to Home Learning. I hope you had a lovely Easter Holiday! The weather was fantastic wasn't it!! I spent a lot of time in my garden, planting new plants, painting my garden fence and having lots of BBQs!! What did you get up to in your holidays? I would love to know... Comment on today's post on the blog and let me know! I hope you got to enjoy the sunshine safely. 

I am missing you all so much! Send me an email to let me know how you are getting on. I hope you are all being very kind to your parents and siblings! 

Home learning will be similar to how we were doing it before the holidays but just with a few added extras. Here is a list of things that I would like you to do every day, as well as your learning tasks...


1) I would like you to read every day.

2) Practise your spellings, you could do a word search, write them in sentences, do the scribble with each section being a different word. Just some ideas!

3) I would like you to play on Times Table Rockstars for at least 15mins. 


Please make sure you are doing these every day!


Here are today's learning tasks... Enjoy!!


Love Miss Townson laugh


LO: To explore unit and non-unit fractions. 

This week we are going to be starting to look at fractions. We are going to be following some lessons on a website called White Rose. Click on the link below which will take you to the Year 3 units. You then need to click on the + button next to Week 1 at the top. Then it will show you the first lesson: Lesson 1 - Unit and non-unit fractions. 


You will see the video that you need to watch. Just like you would listen carefully to me explaining something in our Maths lessons, it is really important that you watch and listen to the video carefully. You can watch the video as many times as you like. 

Once you have watched the video, come back to this class page and click on the link below that will open up the worksheet I want you to work through. You can write your answers into your workbook, or print it out if you have a printer. If there are diagrams and models you need to copy, maybe ask an adult to help you draw them with your ruler. 


Once you have finished the worksheet, there is a link next to the video with the answers on. You can mark your own work and let me know either on email or the blog how you got on. I am trusting you not to cheat!



LO: To effectively describe a setting. 

Follow the link below to the YouTube film 'Dream Giver'. First of all, I would like you to watch up to 33 seconds in and then pause it. Then I would like you to either discuss these questions with somebody or write down in your workbooks a short answer:

1) What is a dream?

2) Why do we dream?
3) Can you think of any other stories that feature dreams? 

You may have thought about Roald Dahl's famous story The BFG where the BFG he uses a trumpet to blow dreams in to the ears of sleeping children. 

This story/film that we are going to be looking at this week, is all about a creature who brings dreams. 


Watch the first 33 seconds again... You will notice that in the very beginning of this video, the scene is being set and the main character is being introduced. 

Although it is short, there is quite a lot of information given to us. Think about how the film maker has used colours to create a mood. We do not know what the ‘thing’ is that buzzes through the scene at the end but it makes us wonder???


I would then like you to have a look at the image below... and you are going to write a setting description for the beginning of this film. Remember descriptions need lots of ADJECTIVES (describing words) and ADVERBS (describing a verb, e.g slowly, the creature peered through the shutters). You could even use metaphors and similes to describe!

Try to use interesting sentence openers... You could even use fronted adverbials with a comma (e.g As the stars twinkled in the sky, the crickets were humming softly.) Make sure you look at the image below and include all the features I want you to use in your sentences. 


You can email me your work to ...


I look forward to reading them!

Dream Giver


LO: To explore the elements of wind and fire.

We are going to be starting our new Topic in RE called Energy which is all about Pentecost. 

We will be learning all about what happened at Pentecost and how the Holy Spirit came to the disciples after Jesus' death. 

The Holy Spirit came to the disciples as wind and fire, so today we are going to be exploring those two elements. 


First I would like you to record in your workbooks what fire can do. Use the following headings:

- The sounds you hear 

- The smells you smell

- The sights you see (describe what fire can look like)

- The feelings you have

- The differences it makes (how does fire change things?)

- The power of fire.


Then do the same for what wind can do under the following headings:

- The sounds you hear

- The feelings you have

- The movement it causes

- The warmth or cold it brings

- The difference it makes

- The power of wind.


I would then like you to cut out some flames using paper if you have it and make a flame mobile with string. There is a picture below to help and show you what I mean. 

On your flames write down the sounds, sights, smells, feelings, uses and differences fire makes. You can then colour them in and display it somewhere in your house! If you don't have the resources you need, then you can draw the flames in your workbook and write on them. 



The type of mobile I mean... You can create something simple with flames, don't over think it!

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