- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Hello Year 1,
Well done for having a fantastic first week back in school, you have all been amazing!
I have sent home a Homework book, this book will stay at home with you. Please use this book to write any English/Phonics and Maths homework in it. Your parents can then send a photo of your homework to my email Year1_Home@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
This is you homework for this week, please could you complete this by next Friday.
This week I would like you to practice writing sentences using CAPTIAL LETTERS and FULL STOPS.
Please can you write 5 sentences that tell me lots of amazing things about yourselves.
You can write these in your homework book.
For example:
This week I have set you an ‘I spy’ task to find how many objects you can find. You can write your answers in your homework book or if you have a printer you may print off the Checklist page and stick this in your book.
*Please remember to read your reading book, we will be changing these every
Monday and Friday.*
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday.
Love Miss Armstrong