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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 18th May

Happy Monday yet again Year 4! Last week you did amazing so keep up the good work this week.

Remember to keep blogging me every day! 

Keep reading and logging into TT Rockstars daily also!

Click on this link below and watch this morning's assembly the whole school will be watching this just like having an assembly in school:

Have fun and keep active! Here are you task for today:



Task 1: English

LO: To use and understand simple, complex and compound sentences.

Completed all written work into you book using the correct date and LO. Click on the link below which will take you to the School Videos section of the website and click on the video under Videos for Year 4 named: English Lesson Monday 18th May. Enjoy!

It looks like this: 


Task 2: Maths

LO: To write and compare decimals

To access today’s maths click on the link below:
Complete lesson 2 and 3 : Summer Term – Week 1 (w/c 20 April)
(remember to scroll down and click on the right pink week tab), watch the video lesson, then click on the activity. You can either print of the work sheet and complete the work, or copy the answers into your exercise book. After you can check your answers with an adult clicking on the answers sheet! BUT NO CHEATING! Enjoy!

It looks like this:


Task 3: History

LO: To use and understand Hieroglyphics

Today's History task you need to complete on paper or into your exercise books. Follow and read the PowerPoint pictures below and your tasks are explained on there. The main task is to draw and create your own Cartouche name tablet using hieroglyphics. Pause the on slides when you need to. Enjoy!

Introduction to Ancient Egypt

Hieroglyphics task

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