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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 15th May

Happy Friday everyone!


Once again this week you have amazed me.

You are working so very hard and sending in so much work and so many lovely photos in for me to see!

I am so pleased.


Thank you allwink


After Joe this morning  we are going to look at Education City for our English and Maths work.


Please look at Comprehension Friday 15th May and listen carefully to the stories before answering the questions. You may replay the story if you like.


Then look at Money Friday 15th May. It is all about identifying money and counting with money.

Please ask your grown up to let you look at money and talk about what each coin and note is worth.

Try sorting coins and play with them for a while before looking at Education City.

Ask your grown ups how much things cost and have a talk about money please.


Next week we are going to look very carefully at an artist called Reggie Laurent.

Ask a grown up if you can Google his name and look at what he does.

I think we will be able to recreate pieces of art as good as his.

Today I want you to find some hexagonal paper and dotty paper from your pack and draw and colour some patterns.

Use whatever you like, crayons, pencils, paint, you choose.

Please send me some photos of your creations and I will put them on our page.


I have also read another story which is under here.

Today is Detective Dog.

I really enjoyed reading itlaugh

Please listen.


Thank you all again.

Have a lovely weekend.


Check the web page and blog this afternoon for certificateswink


Thank You

Love Mrs Clough

Detective Dog Nell

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