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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 15th July

Good Morning Year 3!


Not long to go until the Summer holidays now... 2 more days! 


Thank you for your emails and blogs, it is lovely to see your work and your pictures. 


I hope you have a lovely day, here are today's tasks...


Love Miss Townson heart


LO: To answer questions on time and angles.


Today we are going to be working in your Inspire Assessment books.

Find them in your Home Learning Packs and turn to page 81 and I want you to complete Section A Questions 1 – 10 (they finish half way down page 83)

Have a good try and let me know on email or the blog how you get on!


LO: To answer questions on a given text. 


Find your CGP Comprehension books in your Home Learning Packs. Today I would like you to complete page 24-25 which are questions on the extract from ‘The secret history of Tom Trueheart’.


Enjoy! Remember to send me your work either on the blog or on email.

Today's third task...

LO: To write a letter to your new teacher… Mr Steele!


Today I would like you to write a letter to your new teacher… Mr Steele!

You need to tell him all about yourself and your family. Your favourite colour, food, subject! He will want to know it all! Tell him what you are most excited about for Year 4, I bet I can guess!! Swimming…….??

You can decorate it and draw pictures too!

Make sure you send me them on my email or blog and then I can send them to Mr Steele!

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