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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 27th April

Good morning Year 5 and welcome back! I hope you had a lovely, restful holiday in the sunshine. I think it passed really quickly! Here we are back to our home learning. I was really impressed last half term and I want you to see if you can impress me more this term! Let's start as we mean to go on and work extra hard today. Remember I should be hearing from you all either through the blog or through email. I am also monitoring your activity on Education City (when work is set on here) and TTRS (which I would like you to start using more as some of you aren't!)


Please also ensure you also keep up with your reading. I'd love to know what you're all reading at the minute.


Below are your activities for today. Please remember to comment on my blog post (don't start your own) with any questions, to share your work, send any scores or just to check in and say hello.

You may also continue to email me using the email address


LO - To use inference skills 

Look carefully at the picture below and read the short text. It's quite spooky, isn't it? I know I wouldn't like to be there! Then I would like you to answer the questions in your book or, if you want, type them up and email them to me or post on the blog. Some of the answers can be found in the text however some involve you using your inference skills and deeper thinking. 
  1. Who might the character in the picture be?
  2. Do the trees remind you of anything?
  3. Why do you think there are fences either side of the road?
  4. Where might the road lead to?
  5. What time of day do you think it is?
  6. What sounds might you be able to hear if you were there?
  7. Find and copy 1 simile, 1 metaphor and example of personification from the text.
  8. Find 2 examples of alliteration from the text.
  9. Explain the meaning of ‘cloying’
  10. Describe how the author builds up suspense and encourages you to read on.


LO - To solve a range of problems involving whole numbers up to 10,000,000

Complete Section A (numbers 1-15) in your Inspire Maths Book. Get somebody to mark your work after you have finished and let me know your score. It is out of 20!


LO - To research unusual lifecycles

We have looked at the following lifecycles so far (some whilst we were still at school and some whilst you have been learning at home) in our Science lessons:




Have a think about what you can remember about each one. Perhaps you can think about the similarities and differences between the lifecycles. Today we are going to look at some more unusual lifecycles. I would like you to watch the video below of the lifecycle of a cicada. What is unusual about its lifecycle?

17 Year Periodical Cicadas | Planet Earth | BBC Earth

Then I would like to research the lifecycles of different living things from around the world (in the rainforest, in the oceans, in desert areas and in prehistoric times). I would then like you to tell me, in a couple of sentences, why their lifecycles are different. Research the lifecycles of the following living things:

  • Seahorses
  • Duck billed platypus
  • Mayfly
  • Dung beetle
  • Kangaroo
  • Dinosaur
  • Coco-de-mer palm
  • Cacti

You may also find and research any more living things that have an unusual lifecycle. I would love to hear about them and learn something new!

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