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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 25th March

Good Morning Year 3!

I just want to leave a message to say how proud I am of you all. You are all working so hard at home and making the most of your home learning so well done! 

Remember these daily tasks that you can always do if you are looking for something to do:

- Read a book and get your reading diary signed.

- Practise your spellings that are on the Blog.

- Practise your timestables on Times Table Rockstars.

I am really enjoying receiving pictures and work on my email!
Love Miss Townson laughxx


Here are your learning tasks for today...

English/Guided Reading:

Follow the link below this to access the Iron Man book!! If you scroll down Year 3, you will find Chapter 5 starts on page 20. Read this either on your own or with an adult. I have also put a link to someone reading it on YouTube so you could listen to them and read the text at the same time.
If you want to reread Chapter 4 to remind yourself of where we were up to in class, of course you can!

Remember you can use a dictionary to check the meanings of words. Or if you have a question, ask me on the blog. I will put a post up called 'Iron Man Chapter 5' for you to leave any questions on the comments. 

Once you have read Chapter 5, write the date and LO...

Wednesday 25th March 2020
LO: To retrieve information from the text. 



Then please answer the following questions IN FULL SENTENCES(!) into your workbooks:


1) Why did the Iron Man have to be taken to pieces?

2) Why did the space-bat-angel-dragon laugh at the Iron Man?

3) Why when the space-bat-angel-dragon landed was he ‘hardly the same monster’?
4) List 3 ways in which the space-bat-angel-dragon was now a changed monster.

5) What was causing the booming, wheezing and sneezing sound?

6) Why has the world become ‘wonderfully peaceful’? 


Find your INSPIRE ASSESSMENT book in your Home Learning Pack.

Complete Section A and Section B. (pages 1-4)

I will post the answers onto the blog tomorrow for you to mark your own work.

Remember, show your workings out!




Log onto Education City and open up the classwork labelled 'Wednesday 25th March - Computing' 

Work your way through the learn screens. The second to last activity you will need to complete in your Workbooks. Write the date and LO:


Wednesday 25th March 2020
LO: To understand the difference between online and real friends. 


The last slide has some ideas and inspiration for the written task, check your answers at the end. Please don't cheat though!

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