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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 9th October

Hello Year 1, well done on another fantastic week. smiley 


Next week will be our God’s Wonderful World theme week, where the whole school will take part in lots of lovely activities. On Friday 16th October, in the morning we will have access to the secret garden.


Please can you bring a spare pair of pants these can be tracksuit pants or leggings and a spare pair or shoes either wellies or trainers. If you chose to bring trainers please be aware that we may be getting messy so do not send your best pair of shoes.

As part of our God’s Wonderful World week, It would be lovely if you could take part in our whole school project! Please see the information on the slides below. I look forward to seeing your photos. 



This week I would like you to complete two worksheets looking at the sound



*If you cannot print of these sheets, feel free to not do the crossword, however instead practice writing the words that you would have found.  Ask a grown up to say the word out loud and you can write these down in your homework book.




In class this week, we have been completing tasks in our Inspire Math's books looking at ‘comparing numbers’.


Your homework these week involves using the words more, less and same. Remember try to read the sentences independently, if you do get stuck then ask a grown up for some help. J

Hopefully the weather is nice the weekend and you can enjoy lots of lovely autumn walks. I will be doing this with Winston, I will let you all know what he has been up to on Monday. blush


Have a lovely weekend


Love Miss Armstrong  heart

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