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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 1st May

Good morning Nursery smiley

We know you are all really missing your friends so we thought you may like to play a funny little game! 

I wonder if you could dress up in your house using whatever you have to make your friends smile and send photographs to us and then once we have all of your photographs we will put them on here and you can look and guess who is dressed up! 

Have fun and keep smiling! 


Task 1: Maths- A Counting Game at the farm

Have a good look at the farm picture.

Look carefully at the animals, buildings and vehicles.


Take turns at finding things in the picture using NUMBER clues...... 


  • Can you find something with 4 legs?
  • Can you find something with 2 wings? 
  • Can you find something with 1 beak? 

What other ideas can you come up with? 


For the older children preparing for Reception

Can you write a number 1 in your book and draw something to match from the picture eg a hen with 1 beak

Repeat for each number up to 6 or higher if you can! Good luck and happy counting!

Task 2: Education City - Why and how questions

Task 3: Easter Celebrations

Watch the video clip about Easter Sunday. I know this year we couldn't go to church but are there any activiites that you can see that you did at your house? Watch out for the Easter garden inside the church too. When you have finished watching please draw a picture in your book to show us something you did in the Easter break. 

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