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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 5th February

Happy Friday Year 4, what an amazing week! The Science experiments I got sent yesterday were just FAB so thank you!

This week, things get a bit more exciting as I am now meeting with you all at home through Microsoft Teams at 9:35 every morning, to go through your tasks. It should be easy to join through the calendar by clicking on the meeting on that day, and you will be waiting in a lobby untill I open the meeting. Please make sure you log on and join the meeting because I will be doing a register!

Remember you must blog me every day now! Click on the 2016 blog post to see all year 4 blogs and Mr Steele blog post to see mine.

If you have trouble accessing and completing any work get an adult to email me so I can help. Parents/carers can email me on:  

Keep reading (GETEPIC) and logging into TT Rockstars daily also!

Well done for all those children reading!

Have fun and keep active! Here are your tasks for today, take your time and have breaks in between each task:


21 day active bingo: Have a go at choosing one of these activities they are all explained in the document below!


Task 1: English

LO: To read the sixth chapter of Matilda and answer guided reading questions.

Read and watch the video the fifth chapter 'The Platinum-Blonde Man ' of Matilda. (The video of me reading the chapter and explaining the questions is on the School Videos section of the website under Videos for Year 4 2020 2021 the link is below and the video is called English Task: Friday 5th February).

Then answer the guided reading questions neatly into your exercise book. Do not rush this and keep going back to the text to find and support your answers. Blog or email me your work. Enjoy! 

The video looks like this:

Answer these questions into your exercise books


Task 2: Maths

LO: To tell 'minutes past' on a digital clock

First click on the Time Game link (different to yesterday) and play for at least 15mins to get your brains working.

Then, click on the lesson link below and a follow the instructions on the Oak Academy lesson. Follow the video lesson and pause at anytime. Copy and complete any worksheets into your exercise books. Complete the quizzes and blog me how you got on. In this lesson you will learn to tell the time on a digital clock.


Task 3: RE/PSHE

LO: To explore what makes someone special

Today's RE task is all about exploring ourselves and others and if you click on the link below, it will take you to the school's video page of the website, the RE lesson is all explained by me on this video, sit back listen and Enjoy! The link below will take you to the school videos page you need to click on RE/PSHE Task 3: Friday 5th February video under videos for Year 4 2020 2021. You will need to pause on the slides to answer any questions into your exercise books! I will also upload the tasks below.

The video looks like this:

Your tasks

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