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Happy Friday everybody!
This is our last day of online learning before the weekend! Yesterday's work was once again amazing. You are doing a fabulous job, Year 6. Mrs Baird is loving the pet photos and I hope Olivia won't send me another picture of her gecko crawling over her English work!! Right, time to learn - here we go!
L.O Place value to 3 decimal places.
Your last lesson for this week is on place value. We are going to look at decimal numbers with up to 3 decimal places. This means the number has either 1,2 or 3 digits after the decimal point. (tenths, hundredths & thousandths). The lesson is once again on Oak Academy and Mr Latham will teach you. He will use dienes apparatus to show decimal numbers which is a little different.
Before you start the lesson look through the slides below as that will help you to remember your place value headings.
Click on the link below to open your lesson and let me know how you did on the BLOG.
As I can’t go through your homework with you I have attached the answers. You can mark it yourself or ask someone to mark it for you. Look carefully at your errors and see if you can correct them.
LO: To use effective language
Today you are going to re-watch The Dreadful Menace clip for the final time. Your task is to write an adventure story opening and build-up using the ideas from this clip. Read the slides on the powerpoint below the clip which explain exactly how to do this.
God's Wonderful World
We are going to finish our theme week looking at the most amazing British naturalist, Sir David Attenborough. First, watch the clip about him and then read the instructions on the powerpoint which explain your task.