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Good morning Year 4 happy Thursday, keep up with this amazing attitude at home and keep working hard! Try your best just like you would in school.
Remember you must blog me every day now! Click on the 2016 blog post to see all year 4 blogs and Mr Steele blog post to see mine. If you have trouble accessing and completing any work get an adult to email me so I can help. Parents/careers can email me on: Year4_Home@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Keep reading (maybe use GETEPIC!) and logging into TT Rockstars (I have started a new battle!) daily also!
Have fun and keep active! Here are your tasks for today:
Task 1: English
LO: To write a recount as another character
Watch the video again and using your plan from yesterday think about some sentence you could use to write a recount (pretending to be the explorer: explain what is happening). You will need your plan from yesterday!
Now I want you to write a recount into you exercise books: pretending to be the explorer, and explain everything that is happening, just like I did for the camel. When writing use your plan and the success criteria below to mark your own writing, make sure you can say you have done all these things:
(I have uploaded my recount, pretending to be the camel, below to help you understand how I want yours to look)
Success Criteria - When writing your recount make sure to:
Task 2: Maths
LO: To understand area.
This lesson you will need to listen carefully to different instructions. First I want you to click on the link below that says What is area: Lesson slide show then follow the PowerPoint on this website, click on the speaker button in the corner of each slide this will give an explanation.
Task 3: Art
LO: To create artwork inspired by Howard Hodgkin
Look at this photos below, they are all paintings by Howard Hodgkins, think about how and why he might have painted them? Answers the questions at the end of the PowerPoint with these paintings in mind, answers the questions below into your exercise book the best you can.
Now I want you to create your own piece of art in the same style as Howard Hodgkin. The title should be called 'Cold' so get creative. You can draw, paint, use a completer or tablet, it is up to you! I can't wait to see your masterpieces! Blog or email me any photos of your work to go on the class page.