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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 24th June

Good Morning Year 3!

I hope you are all enjoying the better weather!


Well done to all those children that are writing on the blog independently! I love to see your comments and posts. Make sure you say hello to me on there if you haven't done already!

I wonder who will get blogger of the week this week!!


Remember today to:


-Practise your spellings

-Play on TTRS for 20 mins



Have a great day, here are today's tasks...

Love Miss Townson 


LO: To identify horizontal and vertical lines.


Today’s learning is all about horizontal lines and vertical lines!! Follow the link below to access today’s video. Watch the video carefully, just like you would listen to me at the beginning of a lesson and then complete the worksheet I have attached below. You can either print it out or copy your answers into your workbooks.

Remember to use a RULER and PENCIL when drawing lines and shapes in Maths. 

Horizontal and vertical

This is "Year 3 - Week 9 - Lesson 3 - Horizontal and vertical" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


LO: To write an explorer’s log.


Today you are going to write your explorer’s log about your journey to your jungle. You need to use the drawing and planning sheet you did on Monday. You can also use some of the sentences you wrote yesterday to make your writing interesting. I have attached a worksheet for you to look at below, this explains all the things I want you to include in your writing.

Once you have done your log, there are instructions on how you can make this log into a fold out one! You can draw your jungle on the front and then write up neatly your log inside. I can’t wait to see them!!

Log writing resource


LO: To understand who the Saxons were.

Today Year 3, we are starting a new topic in History… THE ANGLO SAXONS! Have a look at the timeline below and you can see that The Anglo Saxons came to Britain after the Romans!

Today we are going to find out who the Anglo Saxons were and where they came from. Open the Power point below and work your way through it.

I then want you to fill out your own Anglo Saxon Passport. I have attached a template for you to use below.

Timeline showing Anglo Saxons in British History

History power point

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