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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 6th May

Good Morning Year 3!

I LOVED the VE day posters that were sent to me yesterday. I'm so glad you enjoyed watching the video of me and my Grandma! 

Lots more fun activities planned today too!

Remember to:


-Practise your spellings 


-Play on TTRS (Not many of you are going on every day, please make sure you are. I am checking!)


Keep up the great work and keep smiling!!

Love Miss Townson heart


LO: To find fractions of a set of objects.

Follow the link below to access the White Rose Maths page.
You then need to click the + next to the ‘Week 2’ section.
The second lesson is called ‘Fractions of a set of objects (1)’  

Watch the video and then complete the activity I have posted below.


Click on the document below and read the recipes for VE day recipes.

There are then 4 sections (A, B, C and D) of questions underneath.
I would like you to choose 2 sections and complete the questions in your work books… IN FULL SENTENCES!!

Comprehension Recipes


Following on from the video of my Grandma yesterday – I want you to look at ration books today.

I have attached an example ration book that you could print off and fill out if you have a printer. If not, try and create your own small ration book in your work books.

You need to include the shops that you would always go and buy your food from (remember they wouldn’t have had a Tesco!) You can make the names up, for example: Roger’s Grocers for fruit or Bob’s Butchers for meat!

Use the example rations book to help you. It only need to be 2 pages long at most.

There is then a fun quiz for you to do below here...
You will need to use the 'One Week's Ration for an Adult
' to help with the Quiz. 

Example Ration Book

Use this to help with the Quiz!

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