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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 11th September

Hello Year 2,


I hope you are all well. laugh

Here is your homework that I would like you to complete this week, for next Friday.



This week, in our Maths lessons, we have been doing lots of work on place value with 2 digit numbers. Please could you log onto Education City, find your Year 2 Homework called ‘Place Value 11/09’ and work your way through the learn screen and activities.



We have also been learning about adjectives and how to use them in our work this week, so I would like you to complete the Year 2 Homework called ‘Adjectives 11/09’ also on Education City.


I will be checking online so that I can tick off your name in my register when you have finished each task.


*Please remember to read everyday! We are changing reading books every Monday and Friday.*


Thank you for all your hard work. laugh


Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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