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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 19th January 2021

Good Morning Year One, 

I hope you are all well, I have been very impressed with all of your work.  I have printed some examples of your work off and displayed them on our class wall. The children who have been in school have been amazed on the work you have been doing. So keep up the good work laugh

Let's wake our bodies and brains and start the day. 


Banana Banana Meatball -


Today please can you complete pages 12-13 in your Phonics workbooks, remember to only use pencil in these books. I have attached another game that you may like, start on phase 3 and work your way to phase 5. The Pirate is looking for real words and alien words



LO: To use your comprehension skills to understand a story. 


For today’s lesson I would like for you to access Epic Reading. I have assigned a book for you to read called ‘The Bear report’.  Once you have read the book please click on the link below for your questions. Please do not feel the need to print off the worksheet only do so if you wish. Remember your answers must have Capital Letter and Full stops.



LO: To be able to count forwards and backward within 50.


Let's get started lets practice counting in 5's.


Please watch the learn screen below. 

Then, I would like you to answer the questions from the worksheets. Please ONLY write the answers to the worksheets, you DO NOT need to copy out the questions/pictures. If you wish to print them, that is also fine.

Count by 5's

Counting forwards and backwards within 50

Religious Education


LO: To recognise the inside of a church and identify some features.


Today I would like you to look at the PowerPoint, your activity for today is to create a poster to invite people to come into your church. What might they see? Who might they meet? Think about all of the things and make sure you include them in your poster.

Have a lovely day and make sure to send Miss Armstrong your work. heart

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