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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 16th July

Last Day!frownheart


Well Year one....or should I say two!?


I cannot believe we have arrived at our final day together as a class.

I have never had to say goodbye to a class over the internet before (and I have  been a teacher for a VERY long timewink)

I want to say the biggest thank you to you all for continuing to work very hard even when you have been at home. Your work has been amazing and I could not be prouder.


I want you to do a very important job for me first this morning please.

Please find the grown ups who have been helping you since school closed. This may be your mum, dad, grandma, grandad or whoever has been with you at home.

I want you to give them the biggest thank you and hug that you have ever given anyone!


Right now, work for the last daywink


Maths first.



Then for English I want you to write a letter to one of your Year one friends. Tell them what you have been doing over the time you have been at home. Tell them if anything has changed and let them know if you have missed them and what things you are looking forward to doing together when you are in Year 2 in September.


Finally I want you to draw me a picture/ create something to show you with your friends. There may be words on it, there may not it is entirely up to you.


Please send me this work if you are able to as I really have enjoyed this contact with you and your mummies and daddies. 


Finally I want to say to you what I always say on the last day of the school year.


Please be careful over the summer holidays, listen to your grown ups and be safe.

Mrs Glynn and I Love you all and cannot wait to see you getting bigger, happier and cleverer as you move up through St John's.


I always smile when I see the Year 6 children leaving school and remember them as they were on the very first day in my class.


Please take care.


Love Mrs Clough heartand Mrs Glynnheart


P.S. There's one final story here xxx



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