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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


God's Wonderful World Week

This week we have had lots of fun with our activities relating to God’s wonderful world. On Monday, we started the week by spending time outdoors. We learnt about the artist Andy Goldsworthy who made lots of pieces of art and sculptures out of nature. We loved making our own pieces in the secret garden and our pieces were very creative.

We have also learnt about the life of David Attenborough and what an inspirational man he is! We took on the role of David Attenborough and researched an animal of our choice to plan our own TV show.


In English, we have read 3 different poems about the planet which were called:

  • An alphabet for the planet
  • It’s a wonderful world but they made a few mistakes
  • It’s a wonderful world so let’s keep it.


In RE, we have spent the week looking at different religions. We have learnt about Judaism and loved listening and speaking to Jeremy about his life and religion. We have also learnt about the Hindu festival of Diwali and have created our own Rangoli patterns. First of all we created a Rangoli pattern using Scratch art and then we used our symmetry skills to draw and create our own.

Talking to Jeremy about his faith

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