- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Good Morning children. Miss Dewhurst is not in school today as she is unwell. In her absence Mrs McKeating will be looking out for your lovely work.
Please submit your work to
Mrs McKeating is also looking forward to meeting with Year 2 on Wednesday morning at 10.25am for your first TEAMs virtual session. Fingers crossed that the technology will work so that we all can meet together and go through the expectations for the day.
Today I would like you to complete these three special tasks.
1. English Isolation work Task 1
2. Maths Isolation work Task 1
3. History Isolation work Task 1
In addition to this work please log on to www.getepic.com/students using our class code (this has been sent previously as a text and is on the school blog) Don't forget to click on your initials to access the books that Miss Dewhurst has assigned for you to read. If you have read your assigned books please choose another one and let me know what you have read. Reading is so important it will help develop so many skills and should be done every day.
Why not get active today and log on to a Joe Wicks session and send me a photograph of yourself stretching your muscles and raising your heartbeat.