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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 25th January 2021

Hello Year One

 I hope you are all well and have had a lovely weekend. Miss Armstrong was busy this weekend enjoying lovely walks with Winston. He especially enjoys playing in the snow. I wonder if many of you managed to get outside this weekend? Thank you to those children who have sent a photo of themselves reading in an unusual place. I am going to create a reading wall display soon with your photos.

Here we are on week four of home learning, let’s remember to keep up the hard work. Wonder who will be the Home Learner of the week? yes

 * Information for Parents - If your child's workbook is full please will you email There has been 3 books sent home. This is just so I know who may need a further book sending home. Thank you 



Okay let’s start the week with a dance, let’s get our bodies moving!laugh

Count to 100 with Grandma and Grandpa | Jack Hartmann


Today’s Phonics sessions involves a Phonics Sound hunt. I would like you to explore your house or even maybe in your garden. Look at the worksheet below can you look for objects that have the Phoneme.

For example: Miss Armstrong could find the ‘w’ phoneme

w = Winston


Try and have a go at completing today’s worksheet on your own if possible.


For today's lesson please click on the link below which will take you to 'School Videos, click on Year 1 End of the Arctic Adventure'. Please complete today's task in your GREEN books.


Last week we were able to count in 5’s to 50 and 100. We found out that counting in 5’s is faster than counting in 1. Well today we are going to learn a new skill. Today our focus in Math’s is to learn to count in 2’s. Now do not worry if you find today’s lesson tricky, we are going to dip into this skill throughout the week.

We will soon become confident counting in 2’s Mathematicians!

For today’s activity can you collect 5 pairs of socks, below is a picture of Miss Armstrong’s socks. Today we are going to recognise that in each PAIR or socks there are 2.

Count by 2 | Dancing 2's | Skip Counting by 2

The Animals Went In 2 By 2


In science today, we are going to understand what the term ‘camouflage’ means. Work your way through the slides below.

Once you have done this please complete the worksheet below. Your science work can be completed in your GREEN book.

Don't forget your work MUST be emailed to


Have a lovely day!

Miss Armstrong smiley

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