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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



smiley WELCOME TO NURSERY smiley


A Big Welcome to all our children, parents and carers to Nursery. We are looking forward to the Summer Term and warmer days - especially after the icy spring!  Miss Melling has now joined our Nursery team and is with us every afternoon to help with our growing numbers. 


Our topic focus for this first summer half term is "Space and Other Worlds" and we will be focussing our learning on stories and information about planets, the contrast of night and day and making our own imaginary places and worlds. We will be making and creating as always and developing our language and physical skills.  We will also be celebrating in RE as we hear how the friends of Jesus shared their news and worked together as friends - just like we do in Nursery! Our older children will be preparing for their transition to Reception and will join the KS1 children for some morning play-times on the big playground. Please make sure that all children bring a sun hat and apply sun cream at home each morning before setting off. 


We now have a lot of children staying every day for full days, taking advantage of the new 30 hours funding and the extra paid top-up sessions available.  The cost of a full day is £12 or £2 per day under the new government funded 30 hours scheme. There are some extra afternoon places available so please do check at the office.


Stay and Play Sessions are available each week for under 3s and their parents /carers /grandparents. We welcome all our little visitors on Tuesday mornings 9-10 and Wednesday afternoons 2.15-3.00pm. Please let your friends, family and neighbours know about us - our sessions are getting busier and it's a great way to meet other parents and let your child do all those messy activities!!


Please feel free to come and talk to us at the start and end of each day about anything that's on your mind - no question is too silly or awkward! 


Mrs Barker and Mrs Taylor



Please remember that it is your responsibility to renew your 30 hours voucher codes and give the information to the school office for when the funding checks are carried out.


Staying at Nursery for full days (30 hours funded or self funded) means that you agree to paying the £2 per day fee to cover lunchtime staffing and this should be paid a week in advance, with all payments kept up to date.

Thank you. 

Spring Is Here!

Still image for this video
Look at our beautiful Daffodil Artwork.


Our Class Assembly - March 2018

We were so proud of all our Nursery Children who took part in our class assembly. Many thanks to all the families who came and supported us all. The children were so amazing we had a little celebration in class afterwards with party snacks replacing our usual fruit! Well done to everyone for your singing, story telling, paintings, acting, fishing skills, instrument playing and especially all your actions and dancing!! 

Click below for photos....

Fun in the Snow.....for those who braved it!!! We were well wrapped up in our wellies, coats and top layer waterproofs.How lovely to be able to build "snow babies" and see who had the longest throw for a snowball!

Our Visit To Padiham Library............we had a lovely time at the Library. We had a tour of the Library and saw all the books, maps, dvds, computers and even jigsaws that are available to use or borrow. We read stories with each other and had some lovely stories read to us. We were all very good and walked all the way there and all the way back....up the hill!!

"When I Grow Up......"

We have looked at the jobs that grown ups do and have been trying a few out ourselves! We invited lots of visitors to come and tell us about their jobs and they even let us try out their vehicles and equipment! 

The Ambulance came and we learned all about the check ups they do when they arrive on the scene. We had heart rates taken, temperatures checked and bandages applied! We even tested out the lights and sirens on the ambulance!

The drivers came from Fagin and Whalley and told us all about the things they deliver.... toilet rolls, machinery, fizzy pop...the list was huge and so was their lorry!!

The Fire Officers visited and challenged Mrs Collins to a timed challenge. She did very well getting all the safety clothes on.We each got a turn with the fire hose and tried on the helmets.

The Police visited and explained all the many ways they help people in our local area. We could hear voices on their radios and learned all about the equipment they carry and clothes they wear for their uniform.

Our Nativity Play

We had a great time performing for our parents. The Nursery sheep, lambs, shepherds, travellers, angels and stars were all amazing and we were very proud of each and every one of them! They all sparkled beautifully!

Africa Theme Week

We had lots of fun learning about the weather, animals and traditions of Africa. We read Handa's Surprise and tasted lots of the fruits that Handa had in her basket. They were delicious!!

Autumn Fun! 

We collected all sorts of things from the school gardens and brought them back to class to get creative with them! Conker rolling, fruit printing, leaf prints, collaging.........

The Trim Trail

We love visiting the Trim Trail in the Secret Garden area of school. Its a lovely place to develop our physical skills and cooperate and take turns. We try and go at least once each week. Look out for some determined faces......

Visiting Church

We go to church to join in school masses and celebrations. Our special place to sit is right at the front, in front of the benches. We can see Fr Allan, the singers and we can look for the boys and girls and adults coming to the front for Holy Communion. We join in with the singing and can make the sign of the cross. Sometimes we visit Church when it is quiet to help us to learn about the special things in it. We like the Baptismal Font and going up in the choir for that high-up view of everything.... 

Learning about Ourselves

We all had a very tickly time with Mrs Taylor making handprints and footprints. We chose our own colours and had to describe how the paint and the brush felt on our feet. It was good fun just watching new friends having a go....

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