- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Welcome to our Nursery
You can now stay with us for the full day !
Welcome back to all our Nursery children who were with us before the Summer break and a special welcome to all our new starters. We are pleased to report that everyone has already settled well and we are on our way with lots of learning and fun!
Our Nursery Staff are Mrs Clough, Teacher Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and Mrs Barker, Teacher on Tuesdays. In addition to this are Mrs Taylor and Miss Barnes who both are in Nursery every Day. During the school year we will also welcome Students from local Colleges.
This year at St Johns our session times have been altered and every child attends Nursery Daily.
Our Session times are-
9.00 am- Doors Open at 11.45 am and close at 12.00 pm
12.30 pm- Doors Open at 3.15 pm and close at 3.30 pm
In addition to this we also offer extra , paid for sessions. If you wish your child to stay for lunch (packed lunch provided from home) and a session the price is £12. These sessions must be chosen on a half-termly basis and paid for in advance. contracts are available in the school office.
Each Session involves stories, singing, creative activities, outdoor play (whatever the weather!), small world play, role play, construction, malleable play, number and shape activities, writing and learning how to co-operate with others.
Each child works very hard to fill their Busy Nursery Books and really enjoys sharing what they have been doing at home in their Busy Home Books.
We visit our Library on a weekly basis to choose a book and take it home to share with our families.
We will also be out and about regularly for walks around our locality.
Please keep an eye on our Nursery page to look for Photographs of your child so that you can talk to them about their Nursery time.
Thank You
This week we are singing Incy Wincy Spider all week. We are making handprint spiders and are threading our own spider webs. We decided to go out to the cemetery with our magnifying glasses to try to find some real spiders. We struggled to find many but we did see one and some webs. We also spotted some squirrels trying to find food for winter. We spotted lots of berries. We saw black ones and white ones and red ones on our travels. We also gathered lots of conkers to paint with. We also saw our friend, Mrs Adamson! It was very cold in the morning but much warmer in the afternoon when the sunshine arrived. We had lots of fun and also took time to say prayers for the people in the cemetery who are in Heaven with Jesus and the people left behind.When we returned to Nursery we had warm milk to drink as a special treat and to help warm us up!