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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Welcome to our Nursery smiley

You can now stay with us for the full day !

Welcome back to all our Nursery children who were with us before the Summer break and a special welcome to all our new starters. We are pleased to report that everyone has already settled well and we are on our way with lots of learning and fun!

Our Nursery Staff are Mrs Clough, Teacher Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and Mrs Barker, Teacher on Tuesdays. In addition to this are Mrs Taylor and Miss Barnes who both are in Nursery every Day. During the school year we will also welcome Students from local Colleges.

This year at St Johns our session times have been altered and every child attends Nursery Daily.


Our Session times are-


9.00 am- Doors Open at 11.45 am and close at 12.00 pm


12.30 pm- Doors Open at 3.15 pm and close at 3.30 pm



In addition to this we also offer extra , paid for sessions. If you wish your child to stay for lunch (packed lunch provided from home) and a session the price is £12. These sessions must be chosen on a half-termly basis and paid for in advance. contracts are available in the school office. 


Each Session involves stories, singing, creative activities, outdoor play (whatever the weather!), small world play, role play, construction, malleable play, number and shape activities, writing and learning how to co-operate with others.


Each child works very hard to fill their Busy Nursery Books and really enjoys sharing what they have been doing at home in their Busy Home Books.

We visit our  Library on a weekly basis to choose a book and take it home to share with our families.

We will also be out and about regularly for walks around our locality.


Please keep an eye on our Nursery page to look for Photographs of your child so that you can talk to them about their Nursery time.

Thank You smiley




Our Nursery year

Autumn Half Term Plan

Royalty at Nursery. We all made our own crowns and became Kings and Queens for the day in order to celebrate Queen Elisabeth's long reign

Outdoors in the sunshine.

Searching for Autumn. We decided to go out of school this week because the weatherman said that it would be sunny all week. we have been to the park and found Fork-lift trucks and JCB's. We also found lots of leaves and twigs and conkers for our activities in Nursery.

Once again, we went out of school today to find more signs of Autumn. Keep an eye on this page because we are going to use our creative flair tomorrow and Friday to use all of the things that we have collected.

We have been making acorns and hedgehogs and lots of Autumnal creations.

Have you been on the Proud Cloud recently ?

Our gifts for Mummies and Daddies. We took them a handprint home with a poem so that they can think of us when we are at Nursery.

We have been using our fine motor skills to dismantle and rebuild our aeroplane and train with the screwdrivers. It takes lots of concentration !

Our younger friends join us on Mondays and Wednesdays with their carers for Stay and Play.

This week we are singing Incy Wincy Spider all week. We are making handprint spiders and are threading our own spider webs. We decided to go out to the cemetery with our magnifying glasses to try to find some real spiders. We struggled to find many but we did see one and some webs. We also spotted some squirrels trying to find food for winter. We spotted lots of berries. We saw black ones and white ones and red ones on our travels. We also gathered lots of conkers to paint with. We also saw our friend, Mrs Adamson! smileyIt was very cold in the morning but much warmer in the afternoon when the sunshine arrived. We had lots of fun and also took time to say prayers for the people in the cemetery who are in Heaven with Jesus and the people left behind.When we returned to Nursery we had warm milk to drink as a special treat and to help warm us up!

Roll-a-conker painting.

Since Half Term we have been busy, busy, busy ! We are getting very good at train track building as you can see.

Have we put the correct amount of peg-legs on the spiders ?

Look at all of our beautiful work.

We are very good at jigsaws and love to co-operate with our friends.

Having a fantastic time in the pouring rain (perhaps not Mrs Collins!)

Making tea for the teddies!

Preparing for the arrival of Jesus in the Nursery by remembering the Nativity story.

Sleeping Bunnies!

BRRRRRRR....It was a chilly morning today, but it didn't stop us playing out and having lots of fun with our friends.

A big welcome back to all our 'little' friends who come to Stay & Play. We enjoyed playing and eating our healthy snacks. We even had some new friends come and join us.

We enjoyed painting Winter pictures into tinfoil, using white and different shades of blues

Playing, sharing and caring with all our friends.

The Wednesday morning Stay & Play group enjoyed playing with their nursery friends this morning.

Aliens, binoculars and telescopes. We have been discovering space and following the astronaut Tim Peak.

We made some super vehicles outdoors. We co-operated with each other to improve them.

Wet weather, splashing,puddle-jumping and biking through the rain. Oh we were dripping!

We have been strengthening our hands by using hammers. We needed to use our pincer grasp to hold the golf tees.

We wore our own clothes for the flooded people in Padiham and brought a pound into school.

We celebrated Chinese new year by tasting different Chinese food together. Yum, Yum!

What amazing balancing of blocks and in the snow.

Our mummies and daddies came to see us at work. We raised money for St Joseph's Penny too.

We discovered a butterfly in the big room so we took it outside and put it in our newly planted flowers.

We were very lucky that Mrs Whittaker brought some tadpoles into Nursery for us to see. We looked very closely at them and even showed our babies.

We used our construction skills to build towers. Our towers became very tall and we needed tall people to help.

Our Morning Nursery children presented a wonderful assembly for everyone.

We love to use calculators to find out about numbers.

Our Mummies, Daddies, Grandmas, Grandads, big brothers, sisters and friends came to play with us and listen to our stories. We decorated cakes for them and had a lovely time.

We have been practising our letter sounds and names in the sunshine.

Making transient pictures.