- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Thank you so much for keeping in touch and sending us messages with photographs and videos, they really are lovely to see
Please email us at least once a week.
Miss Kidd: NurseryJ_Home@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Mrs Barker: NurseryB_Home@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Welcome back everyone, we hope you all had a brilliant half term and managed to have lots of fun in the lovely sunshine with your family.
For some of you, this will be your last term at Nursery before you start Reception class! You are all doing so well with doing things all by yourself and having a go at lots of different activities so keep up the fantastic work.
WEEK 2 30th March 2020
A Welcome Back Message From Mrs Barker
click on the link below to go to the school video area
Meet the Nursery team
Nursery Class Teachers: Miss Kidd and Mrs Barker (Assistant Head)
Nursery Teaching Support Assistants: Miss Barnes and Mrs Hughes
We have many children staying every day for full days, taking advantage of the government funded 30 hours scheme or the self funded paid top-up sessions that are available. The cost of an additional afternoon session is £10 and ALL children staying for full days are required to pay £2 per day for the lunchtime supervision. This should be paid a week in advance.
Please remember that it is your responsibility to renew your 30 hours voucher codes and give the information to the school office for when the funding checks are carried out.
Could we please ask that if you decide you would like your child to stay for lunch and an afternoon session that you let us know at least two days before to ensure there is space available for the afternoon session you require. There are some afternoon places available so please do check at the office.