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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 9th June

Task 1: Watch The Snail and the Whale

Once you have listened to the story/watched The Snail and the Whale, draw a picture of what you can remember about the story and ask your grown ups what you have drawn so they could write on your picture what you say so we can see! Try and remember what happens in the story and draw some parts of the story... If you do not want to draw anything just listen carefully to the story and your grown up could tell us what you say about the story and maybe answer some of these questions...

  • What was your favourite part? and WHY?
  • Who are the characters in the story?
  • Why was the snail different to the other snails?
  • How did the whale help the snail?
  • What did the snail see in the sea?
  • What was the snail scared of?
  • What animals did the snail see whilst on the whales tail?
  • What happened to the whale? 
  • How did the snail help the whale?
  • What happened at the end of the story?

Task 2: Education City

Task 3: Make your own obstacle course and see if you can complete it quicker each time you do it!
