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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 9th February

Good morning Year 3,


A lot of you emailed me and told me how much you are loving this week's home learning, that's so lovely to hear! 

Today you have 4 tasks:


1. Maths

2. English

3. French

4. Read two more chapters of 'Case of the sabotaged spaghetti' 


I have posted the answers for yesterday's Maths arithmetic paper on the blog so please comment and let me know what score you got. Remember to click on my name to see all the posts I have put on.


Remember to also play on TTRS!  


Have a wonderful day!

Mrs Sethi x


LO: To use bar charts.

Today we are going to look at bar charts again. You need to follow the video below, pausing it when you are asked to do a question. Then you need to complete the worksheet I have attached below.

Bar charts


LO: To organise information into subheadings.

As you will have learnt yesterday, information in a non-chronological report is organised into paragraphs with subheadings. Today you are going to look at organising information under the correct subheading. In your home learning packs there are two sheets with the subheadings: ‘What do elephants eat, Where do elephants live, What do elephants look like and How do elephants behave’. Then there are two sheets with boxes of information about elephants. You need to cut out the boxes of information and organise them under the correct subheading. For example: ‘Elephants are herbivores’ would go under ‘What elephants eat’ as it is about their diet.

Have fun cutting and sticking!


Today's lesson is the final lesson for our topic of animals. There is no video for the lesson, just the powerpoint below. When you click on the powerpoint, please remember to view as a slide show. There is an audio button in the top right corner of most slides, when you click on this you will hear me giving you the instructions for the slide.

On the first slide there is a video to watch of the song 'la ferme de Mathurian'. the video can be slow to load, so please be patient if it doesn't come on straight away.


Once you have worked your way through all the slides, your task is to draw a picture of the farmyard. Draw all the animals that you saw in the video and colour then neatly. For each animal type draw a speech bubble and write in the French word for the sound made by that animal.

When you have finished your picture, try singing the song again and join in with all the animal sounds!

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