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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 5th July 2021

Good Morning Everyone! smiley






We have done so well keeping Nursery open every day since September 2020, so it was perhaps only to be expected that as restrictions eased, there would be a knock-on effect for our little ones. 

We must follow Public Health and Government Guidance and so learning will remain online for all children in Nursery and Reception for one more day today.


Please use the 3 activities as you wish. We entirely understand that you will be juggling jobs, family life, childcare etc. As teachers and TAs, we too are having to make different arrangements for our families and work too.


The activities are a guide to the language, vocabulary, and skills that we would be concentrating on in our nursery activities and play. We know some of you welcome the activities to keep your little ones busy and focussed. Please do your best - that's all we ask. 


Thank you so very much for sending in your child's work, we really appreciate it.


See you all back in class TOMORROW- WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!


Good Luck and Stay Safe

Mrs Barker, Mrs Clough and Mrs Collins 

Let's start this morning with our Nursery prayer. Show your family how you make the Sign of the Cross. We pray for our families & friends..

1. Physical development..... have a go at these games to get you moving and building your muscle strength! You could use any obstacles in place of the cones.

Task 2: Sing The Wheels on the Bus...... Don't forget the actions for the wheels (roll arms), the bell ( press the button), the wipers (hands side to side) & the driver ( hands to mouth to call out)

The wheels on the bus are round circles. What shape do you think the windows would be? Can you make a shape picture of the bus or have a shape hunt around your house looking for shapes on the chart below?

Task 3: Practice your cutting and pencil control skills. Ask an adult to draw these patterns on paper for you. Can you copy them or trace them with a pencil? Can you cut along the adult lines to practice straight and curvy cutting?

See you at the Nursery door tomorrow..... we'll be there at 8.45am!


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