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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Spring 1


Christian Weddings

The children have been learning about Christian weddings.  Miss Bryan organised a 'wedding ceremony' between our two school councillors, Kyle and Daisy.

The children learnt about where to sit in church and the different roles people play in the ceremony.  

We are sorry if the invitations didn't reach all the family members in time.




Using digital imagery, the children have designed a Nativity picture to create a pattern.


The children are learning about God and how we are not able to understand everything about Him.  The things we can not understand are called Mysteries.  There are lots of Mysteries that God wants us to think about, even though we cannot understand them.


We began by looking at what Heaven will be like.  We went on our school blog to write about our ideas of what Heaven look like.



What happens in Heaven?

Will I sit on a cloud?

Is walking or talking

or jumping allowed?


Will I be on my own

or with some of my friends?

Doe sit go on forever

or eventually end?


What happens in Heaven?

Do I go through a gate?

What if I get myself lost

or turn up to late?


Is my name on a list?

Is the gatekeeper nice?

Can you sneak in for nothing

or is there a price.


(Taken from 'Dad You're Not Funny' by Steve Turner)

The children all drew their version of what they thought heaven looked like.

Making stars for our display about Abraham.

The finished display...well it will be when Mrs Carlile has made Abraham!

The children have written a recount of the Old Testament story about Abraham.  They wrote about how Abraham trusted God and how in return, Abraham gained God's trust.  


"Look at the stars above your tent at night.  One day your family will be as many as that - too many to count.  And still Abraham trusted God."

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