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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


In this class, we have Miss Dewhurst (Class Teacher), Mrs Catley (Teaching Assistant), Mr Kelly (teaching 1 PE) and Mrs Jones (teaching Music). 





Our prize day winners!

Year 2 Homework

Maths and English homework are set on a Friday to be completed by the following Thursday.

Homework is set in your green homework books and instructions are found on the links below.


Please make sure you read every day and bring your reading book and diary into school every day.


Reading diaries and books are checked and changed on Mondays and Thursdays. Please make sure you are ready for a new book on both of these days! laugh

Isolation work


If you are at home isolating because you are waiting for a COVID-19 test result for you or your family member or you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 and been asked to isolate, please click on the subjects below to find your work. 

Every day you are absent we expect you to do:

1 Maths lesson, START AT LESSON 1

1 English lesson, START AT LESSON 1

1 other lesson of your choice


You can do your work in your red homework books that you have at home and take a picture of your work to post on the school blog or email me:


Please also read every day and complete your homework as normal. 


This work will compliment but not clash with the work we are doing in class. If you need to isolate more than once you can just continue from where you left off. 

Please find our Year 2 Assembly and Christmas Play on the 'School Videos' link below!

Home Learning


Hello Year 2, Happy New Year! I hope you have had a lovely Christmas with your family and that you are all keeping safe and well. laugh


To access your lessons for each day, click on the links with dates below. I will set you a variety of tasks, just like I would in class. 


If I set you a written task, I expect the same high standards as we would at school. A date at the top, a learning objective on the line below (both underlined) and your best handwriting. You can complete this work in your red homework book


Once you have completed your lessons each day, please email your work to or put it on our school blog.


If you do not have a laptop or tablet, please click on the link below for instructions on how to access your remote learning through an Xbox or PlayStation.


I'm sure you will all do an amazing job! I will look forward to hearing from you.heart


Love, Miss Dewhurst x


Please click on the pencils below to access the correct day's work...


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