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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Thursday 4th June

Good morning! Well what a change in the weather yesterday. I hope you all still managed to get some fresh air at some point. Thank you for all of your contact yesterday. The winners of the TTRS Battle were….the boys! The boys scored 2857 and the girls scored 2476. Well done boys!


Well done to our top scorers Giuseppe, Hayden, Liam, Bethany, Georgie and Gracie.

Here is your work for today. Please make sure you comment on my blog post with your work or email it to me.

LO – To plan an information text following a structure.

Today’s lesson should be fun! You are going to plan your own information text on a strange creature like the Rhiswanozebtah. Don’t worry if you haven’t seen a strange creature in real life, you can create one!


Visit the website ‘Switch Zoo’ below (I think there is an app as well but you must ask permission from an adult before downloading it) and create your own unusual animal. Try to post a picture of it on my blog post as I would love to see your creations and I’m sure everyone else would.

Next, you need to plan what you would write in an information text about your animal. Use the boxed-up planning sheet which is uploaded below to plan your facts. It follows the same structure as my text. Remember this is just a plan and you should be writing in note form. It’s not the full information text.


Please email these to me or post them on the blog. I am looking forward to seeing your creations!

LO – To solve a range of fraction problems

Today you are going to work in your Inspire Maths Assessment Book. Turn to Page 7, Test 2: Fractions. I would like you to complete Section A numbers 1-15. When you have finished, please get an adult to mark it. It is out of 20 as some of the questions are worth more than 1 mark. Take your time and try your best. All of the questions are revision of what we have done over the year but some are quite tricky, especially the worded problems.


Please make sure you send me your score by email or on the blog.


If you want to, you may complete Section B and the Challenging Problems if you are wanting some extra work. Let me know if you decided to complete this as I will be super impressed!

LO – To research an artist

Time for a bit of Art! We are going to look at a new artist today called William Morris. He was a designer in the Victorian times. Read more about him on the picture slides below.

I would like you to think back to when we studied Andy Warhol in Art at the beginning of the year and we created our cover pages in our sketchbooks. We researched him and created a fact page whilst making it appealing and using our art skills. Have a look at the pictures below if you can’t remember.

Today I would like you to do the same but on William Morris. Use the information in the slides and carry out any further research. Please email them to me or post a picture on the blog. I’m looking forward to seeing them!

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