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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 12th January

Good Morning Year 3.

Thank you to all the children that are commenting on the blog every day. We have two new awards that we are giving out at the end of each week: Home Learner of the week and School Learner of the week. So I will choose someone who has really impressed me with their Home Learning and someone who has impressed me with their learning in school.
I wonder who will impress me this week?


You have 5 tasks today:

1. Maths

2. English

3. French


4. Listen to the next chapter of the Creakers! I have put it on the Videos section of the website, which I have put a link to below. (Remember to scroll down to 'Year 3 2020-2021 videos'.)


5. Reading on Get - Today you have been assigned a new book! Today's book links to the Magnets topic we have just finished in Science! If you click on your 'Mailbox' at the top right, it will show you the books I have assigned you. 


Have a lovely day, work hard and be kind.

Love Mrs Sethi 


LO: To divide with remainders.

Today I would like you to look at the power point I have attached below. I would like you to work through it in slideshow mode, answering the questions in your homework book.



LO:  To plan a biography.

Today you are going to plan your own biography! On Friday you did lots of research on your famous person and today you are going to put that information into a table for a plan. You will use this plan tomorrow to write your own biography so it is really important to make sure you include as much information as you can so that you have a great plan to use. I have attached a sheet below that you can use to plan the different parts of your biography.

Biography Plan



This week in French we are going to continue learning about the names of animals in French, and we will learn how to make the plural form, so when there is more than one animal. All the information you need is on the powerpoint. Please open the presentation and then view as a slideshow - this means you will be able to hear the audio of me pronouncing the words.

On the first slide, try to repeat the names of the animals that you hear me saying when you click the audio button. On the slides which ask you to write sentences, please complete the work in your books under todays date and the Learning Objective: To be able to create plurals.

Please remember to blog or email any pictures of your work.

Have a good day, Mrs Miskell

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