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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Friday 26th June

Good Morning Year 3! HAPPY FRIDAY!


Gosh hasn't it been hot these past few days! I hope you have enjoyed the lovely weather!

Today is the last day of the week so make sure you work hard! I am in school today so bare with me if I don't reply immediately.


Remember to:


-Practise your spellings ... and then do a spelling test! Comment on the blog with your scores!

-Play on TTRS for 20 mins



Make sure you check the newsletter to see who is this week's home learner of the week and blogger of the week!


Have a great day, here are today's tasks...

Love Miss Townson x


LO: To complete an arithmetic paper.


Follow the link below to this week’s arithmetic test. Try your best!


When you have completed the arithmetic paper, I would like you to log onto Education City and find the classwork named: Friday 26th June – Maths.

Work your way through the activities on angles.





LO: To answer questions on a given text. 


Find your CGP Comprehension books in your Home Learning Packs. Today I would like you to complete page 16-17 which are questions on the extract from ‘Robotic Baby Penguin’


Enjoy! Remember to send me your work either on the blog or on email.



Have a look in your Home Learning Pack and find the little booklet that is called ‘Year 3 QCA Optional Test’.

I want you to complete questions 1-6. This is pg1 up to the bottom of pg 10. Don’t complete any more than this please.

Send me your work through on email or the blog!

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