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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 7th July

Good morning Year 5. How lovely was it to see the sunshine yesterday? I was really pleased to hear from more of you yesterday and it made me feel really happy. Your Science scores were excellent and I really enjoyed reading your free verse poems. Let’s keep the hard work up this week and next week and then you can have a relaxing summer holiday!


Here are today’s lessons:

LO – To infer a character’s emotions and feelings.

Click on the link below and watch the video clip called ‘Lou.’

During the film, the ‘bully’ experiences lots of different emotions.


I want you to look at the different emotions listed below and find evidence or a scene from the film which shows when the ‘bully’ felt these. There may be some emotions with more than one scene attributed to them.


  • Happy
  • Scared
  • Confused
  • Amused
  • Annoyed
  • Frustrated
  • Upset
  • Satisfied
  • Nostalgic

An example of how you may wish to set out your work and a possible answer can be found below:



Scene/scenes from the film


When the boy is taking the toys off the other children


When the boy gives the toys back at the end and is asked to play


When you have done all 9 emotions, please answer the following questions:


  1. Why is the film named ‘Lou?’
  2. The main boy in the film is horrible. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer.
  3. Who might this short film appeal to? Why?


Please send me your work by email or post it on the blog.

LO – To read and interpret two way tables.

Yesterday you read and interpreted data from tables. We are going to continue that today however the tables we are going to look at are two way tables. This means there is more information to look at and more rows and columns. Watch the video below which will guide you through the lesson.

Year 5 - Two-way tables

Now complete the worksheet below. Mark it and let me know your score through email or the blog.

LO – To learn two French rhymes.

This week you will listen to two French rhymes - the links to the videos are on the PowerPoint and uploaded below. When you have watched the videos, you need to copy out the French words for each poem (shown on the PowerPoint) and then illustrate them. Do each poem on a separate piece of paper and be sure to fill the whole page please.


Pictures of your work can be sent on the comments of the French blog, or by email to your class teacher. I hope you enjoy learning the rhymes.

Petit Escargot

Tourne tourne petit moulin

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