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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Monday 1st June

Good Morning Year 3!


I hope you had a lovely Half Term Break, the weather was amazing! I hope you got to enjoy the sunshine. 

We are keeping going with our super Home Learning and I can't wait to see your emails and blog posts this week with all your wonderful work. Remember to keep emailing me and posting on the blog so I know how you're getting on! I am so proud of you all, I know it is hard learning at home, but you are all doing a fantastic job. 

Start off the day by watching the assembly for today which is attached below. 


Remember every day to:

-Read (comment on the blog and let me know what you're reading!)

-Practise your spellings, I have posted them on the blog today. 

-Play on TTRS for 20 mins. I look on there every day to see who has been on and what scores you are getting. 



Here are today's tasks... Enjoy and keep smiling!!

Love Miss Townson xx


Log onto Education City and complete the classwork that is called 'Monday 1st June - Maths' .


This work is on fractions and will refresh your mind on what we did before the holiday. 

I will be checking to see who has done it, make sure you do!


LO: To develop a character. 

This week we are going to be basing our English work around a film. I have attached the film below for you to watch. It is called Soar. 

Before you watch it, discuss with your parents or an older sibling what the word soar means?


All this week you are going to be working towards writing a detailed character description about the character Mara in the film. You will write sentences about Mara’s appearance and her personality traits (what kind of person they think she is).


To start today's lesson... Watch the film carefully. Then I want you to look at the resources 1a and 1b that I have attached below. Either draw an outline of a person, or print it out and I want you to fill it with adjectives to describe Mara. Resource 1b will help you with vocabulary if you are struggling. 


Next, you are going to write some expanded noun phrases to describe Mara using the exciting vocabulary in your person. Remember we did these a few weeks ago. They are phrases that use two adjectives to describe a noun. Here are some examples: 


Mara  has dark brown, kind eyes which are framed by enormous, thin rimmed glasses.

She has mousy brown, straight hair with a fringe.

She wears a purple, patterned aviator hat which is fleece lined.


I have underlined the adjectives so you can see the pattern. 


I would like you to write at least 7 expanded noun phrases into your work books. 

"Soar" - by Alyce Tzue

English Resources


Read story of Tom and Jane that I have attached below...


Then answer the following questions in full sentences into your workbooks:

  • What do the words choice and consequence mean?

  • What choices can you find in the story?

  • What two choices did Mum give Paul?

  • What do you think Paul said to his Mum?

  • How do you think Jane felt when she heard what Tom said, and what Andrew said?

  • How do you think Paul felt?

  • What were the consequences of Paul’s choice?

  • What choices have you had to make recently, how did you choose and what were the consequences?


Remember to use the question in your answer when writing in full sentences. Take pride in your work and make sure it is lovely and neat.  

Story of Tom and Jane

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