We will be offering the chance for prospective parents and children to look around our school by appointment only. Please telephone our school office on 01282 771146 to book your appointment. We look forward to seeing you!
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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another



Welcome to Reception

Meet the Reception team

Mrs Collins - Class Teacher

Mrs Hall - Teaching Assistant

Miss Earnshaw - Covering Mrs Collins' PPA on Wednesday afternoons.




In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) we plan and assess with the Early Years Profile and the Characteristics of Learning.  The Characteristics of Learning are the developments of how your child learns:

Playing and Exploring - Engagement

Active Learning - Motivation

Creating and Thinking Critically - Thinking

Children will learn through self initiated activities and planned play activities. This will ensure the children have fun, learn basic skills, communicate with others and become independent.

The EYFS consists of 3 'Prime' areas of learning:

Personal, Social and Emotional development

Communication and Language development

Physical development

and 4 'Specific' areas of learning:



Understanding the World and RE

Expressive Arts and Design

Reception made a card for Prince Harry and Meghan and sent it to Clarence House, London.

Reception having the Last Supper

We made Easter nests!

The children meet Rex

Still image for this video

We sent Thank you cards to our visitors

Reception went down to see Alison at Padiham Library

Thank you to our Gardeners for making some games for us to play.

Thank you to the PTFA for our wonderful gifts off Father Christmas

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