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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another




Meet the Reception Team:

Mrs Collins - Class Teacher

Mrs Barker - Assistant Head & PPA cover on Thursday Mornings

Mrs Hall - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Bracken - Teaching Assistant


In the Early Years Foundation Stage, the Characteristics of Effective Learning is to support the development of the Unique child in how children are learning:

Play and Exploring - Engagement

Active Learning - Motivation

Creating and Thinking Critically - Thinking.

So, we learn through planned play activities and self initiated activities.  This is to ensure the children have fun, learn basic skills, communicate with others and become independent.  

The Early Years Foundation Stage consists of 3 'Prime' areas of learning: 

Personal, Social and Emotional development

Communication and Language development

Physical development

and 4 'Specific' areas of learning:



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design.

Reception has had a lovely letter from the Queen and Lady in waiting (Mary Morrison)

Ginger Bear group having a Teddy bears picnic

Reception have made this card and sent it to Buckingham Palace.

Have Mercy on us and on the whole world

Shrove Tuesday 9th February 2016

Happy Chinese New Year 2016 Year of the Monkey!

We are following Tim Peake's Mission on the International Space Station and becoming trainee astronauts.

Wearing something silly on our heads to raise money for our friend Tia.

We decorated cookies for our Gardeners. Happy Christmas!

Seeds and Gardeners Liturgy 2015

We met our Gardeners for the first time on Friday! Keep watching for more photos.

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