- Telephone: 01282 771146
- Email: office@st-john.lancs.sch.uk
Task 1
Maths - Taller and shorter
Watch the video - Tall and short.
Build a tower of 10. Now go around your house or classroom and find some objects that are taller and shorter than your tower of 10.
Draw 4 different sized beanstalks in your exercise book. BUT draw the shortest first and the tallest last. Mrs Collins hasn't put hers in the correct sizes. Oops.
Shortest to the tallest.
Task 2
Phonics - Revising Phase 2 and 3 Tricky words.
Watch the video - Tricky words.
Play noughts and crosses with tricky words.
Watch the video - Phase 3 high frequency words.
Look at the pictures and write a sentence about each one.
Task 3
Physical Development - 3 Fundamental skills - running, skipping & jumping.
Watch the video - Jack and the Beanstalk Yoga.
Do the Alphabet challenge with 'or' words. You can make some of your own 'or' words if you would like.
born, storm, pork, fork, torch & horn
Remember please do not do somersaults or cartwheels for 'm' and 'f'.
Well Reception, it's Friday. Thank you for your hard work. Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday. Don't forget your Teddies.
Take care
Mrs Collins