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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Wednesday 20th January

Good morning Year 2, I hope you are all well and looking after your families.heart


Please keep on working hard and sending your work in! I am very impressed with your fabulous sharing and grouping in Maths, as well as your small, beautiful handwriting in your writing tasks! 


Below are your lessons for today. Remember to email your work to or put it on our school blog.


Everyday, please find time to log onto using our class code (that was texted to you and it's on our school blog) and click on your initials, to access the books that I am assigning for you to read. I will add more books each week. They can be found in your mailbox! If you have read your assigned books, please feel free to read any of the other age-related books available on the website too. This website is what our school is using to monitor your reading at home, please make sure that you are reading regularly.




L.O. Divide by 5.

Please watch the learn screen below. 

Then, I would like you to answer the questions from the worksheets. Please ONLY write the answers to the worksheets, you DO NOT need to copy out the questions. If you wish to print them, that is also fine.

L.O. To write a diary entry.

Please listen to the video on the school videos section of our website (Under Children, School Videos, Videos for Year 2 2020-2021) where I will read you the 6th chapter of the book. 


Then, please put the date and L.O. into your lined book. Today I would like you to retell the events of the chapter, in the form of a diary entry, pretending to be Plop. You will need to describe your night, from beginning to end. Be creative! Here are some questions that may help you structure your writing:


Dear Diary,


What did you eat tonight? Tonight, my daddy brought me a___ to eat! It was delicious! But, I was still SO hungry!


Where did you tell your mummy and daddy to go and why? I sent my mummy and daddy out hunting because…


Who did you meet and what did they think you were? Tonight, I met…


What was the man doing? The man was…


What did the man say the dark was and why? The man said dark was…


Describe what you saw and learnt from the man. I learnt…


Did your mummy and daddy like to hear all about what you had learnt? Mummy and daddy were…


What did you do after your supper? After supper, I got ready for…


SpEEK soon!

Music with Mrs Jones!


Hello Year 2!

I hope you are all keeping well and working hard. Here is today’s music lesson.


LO: To listen and respond to music.

Do you remember my favourite instrument? Of course, it’s the violin! We are going to listen to a short clip which teaches you all about the violin and the lady will play a little part of ‘Spring’ from The Four Seasons by an Italian composer called Vivaldi. Do you remember listening to ‘Winter’ by Vivaldi at school? That music made us feel cold, chilly and icy. I wonder how ‘Spring’ will make you feel? I am sure I could hear the violin making high pitch sounds like birds tweeting when I listened to ‘Spring’. Here’s what you are going to do:



Click on the link below. Listen to the clip which teaches you about the violin.


Click on the second link below. Listen to the second clip which is ‘Spring’ by Vivaldi.


Click on the document below which asks you questions about ‘Spring’. You can print off the document and write on that or write the answers in your work book. Send this work to your teacher in the normal way.

Enjoy the lesson!

Have a great day Year 2!

Love, Miss Dewhurst x

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