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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Tuesday 24th March

Work for Tuesday 24th March

Good morning Y6. We hope you are all okay. These first few days are going to feel very strange and quite difficult, but it will get easier and we will get a better routine. Today you have 3 tasks to do. If you have any problems log onto the BLOG and post a comment on the post entitled ‘24-3-20 TODAYS WORK’ . Don’t start a new post as it will get confusing. We will answer your questions ASAP.

A few of you are having problems with technology. Education City wasn’t working yesterday as so many children were trying to access it. Don’t worry just do your best. Our website is full of activities you can do. You can always check out the 'WHY DON'T YOU' part of our class website. We have already put the toilet roll challenge on the video section of the website. If you click on the Music folder of the Y6 class page you will find the cup challenge. TRY IT!

Have a great day. 

From now on Mrs Baird will set all your maths, science and RE and Mrs Jones all your English and Foundation Subjects.




Part A

Easy task today. Do a test out of your Maths SATs Buster 10 minute tests. We have already done Test 1, so it will be Set A Test 2. Mark it after you have finished and send me your score on today's BLOG 24-3-20 TODAY'S WORK. Don’t peak at the answers, I am trusting you. I WILL NOT be posting your results for everyone to see, so no need to panic. I want to see your scores so I can make sure you are doing your work and see how you are doing. The ANSWERS are in the back of your book. 


Part B

I’ve also set up a battle on Times Table Rockstars. Boys against Girls. It will only last for 1 day and opens at 9.00am, make sure you don’t miss it.  I’ll post the winner tomorrow.


You don't have to do this but it's a great resource if you have the time. Go to between 10am and 11am and join the MATHS PARTY. Click on Year 6 for today's lesson. More information is on Today's Blog. 


Maths: Pie Charts answers

Click on the link to find the answers to your pie chart learning from Monday. Mark your work out of 12 and blog your answers. I won't publish them!



Task 1

Mark your work from yesterday's comprehension. The answers are in the English folder underneath Tuesday 24th March folder on Year 6 web page. Your score is out of 8. Send me your score on the blog - I won't publish them, they are just for me.

Task 2

LO: To understand figurative language

Alongside our AD 900 Baghdad history learning, we will be exploring 1001 Arabian Nights. This is a wonderful collection of oral stories from this time and place in history. You might already know stories like Aladdin, Ali Baba and the Forty thieves and Sinbad the Sailor. Trust me (think Jamie Drake) you are going to LOVE these stories.

First of all I want you to watch this clip which introduces 1001 Arabian Nights.


Next, click on the English folder (underneath Tuesday 24th March) on our Year 6 webpage, to find extracts from Chapter One. The language from this time and place is wonderful! It has lots of figurative language (similes, metaphors, personification, alliteration). Your job is to select your favourite 4 examples of figurative language and explain them. For example: the black tent of night flapped around his heart. This makes me imagine sleeping alone in an open tent, in the middle of a desert at night. I feel lonely and scared. The author wants me to think this is how the King must have felt.

Type these up on the blog for me to read.



LO: To identify fairy tales

A famous Russian composer, Rimsky-Korsakov, loved 1001 Arabian Nights stories so much he composed a piece of music to reflect the stories in 1888. Listen to this music by clicking on the following link. I want you to list on the blog as many different creatures as you can see in the artwork which accompanies this music. She weaves her stories around these creatures. PLEASE be warned the heroine, Shaharazade, is unfortunately shown smoking a cigarette at the very beginning of the clip. This is NOT something we advise and sorry if it offends anybody. Concentrate on the creatures. I will start you off: dolphins, ladybirds...





Please read Miss Miskell's post if you would like to try the French activities for today in your red ruled exercise book. Here they are just in case:

1. Draw the flags of France and two other French-speaking countries, and find out what the colours and images mean.

2.As an extra challenge, compare the British flag to the French flag. Are there similarities or differences in colours or meaning?


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