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St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Primary School Love One Another


Year 1

Welcome to Year1 2024-2025!


Mrs Clough is Class Teacher and Mrs Glynn and Mrs Cumming are Teaching Assistants.


Miss Hartley also teaches on Monday afternoons. Mr Barnes teaches PE each Tuesday too.

Please ensure your children have their Reading Book and Diary in school EVERY DAY. The books will be checked daily and Dojos and House Points given for home reading


Please also ensure PE bags are always in school. PE is on Tuesday and Thursday.


Water Bottles should also bee in school daily, thanks.


Homework and Spelling books will be sent home each Friday and Spellings will be checked the following Friday. Please return Homework books by the following Thursday.


Reading books will be changed each Friday.



Our Aurora Borialis art using chalk

A very wet Forest school... Still great fun!

Don’t we all look fantastic in our Through the Decades costumes!

Our amazing Paul Klee art work

PE .. learning new skills

Science...drawing round each other to label body parts

Baptism in Year 1

All in our own clothes raising money for Children in Need

We held our Celebration of The Word in class and suggested what should be our focus.

We sometimes read in The Chapel where it is peaceful.

We designed and made our Advent Waiting Tree. We used it throughout Advent to prepare for the Birth of Jesus.

Father Christmas wrote to us. Rudolph was lost! We wrote letters and made posters and went out looking for clues.

We were talking about how special the Advent Wreath is and its meaning.

Father Christmas sent us an email to say he’d found Rudolph. Look what the reindeers had been doing!

Still image for this video

We took part in the School Nativity Play. Don’t we look amazing!

Christmas lunch in the hall with all the school together!

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